TSO InCabin with eLogs: Electronic Logs, Hours of Service (HOS) compliant with the Department of Transportation (DOT)

TSO InCabin is the dispatchers’ Android App for Workforce Management & The Improvement of Driver Performance.

In today’s challenging and highly competitive industry, workforce
management everywhere is looking for solutions that will help stand out
from the competition and get things done more proactively. TSO Mobile’s
InCabin solution for Android devices delivers unique development in
customer service and satisfaction, fleet performance, workforce
management, operational effectiveness, and the technological advantage
your business needs for its growth.

  • HOS Compliant.
  • Improve work orders management.
  • Improve communication with your drivers.
  • Improve routes performance.
  • Improve drivers performance.
  • Reduce operations costs such as fuel expenses.
  • Eliminate the need for GPS Navigator by using the InCabin’s navigator.

Fulfill and Monitor Hours of Service (HOS).

This module helps regulations established by the government about worked hours to
be fulfilled, will let you have full control over your drivers Hours of Service (HOS).

  • Drivers can change their status manually or automatically by the system.
  • Drivers status will automatically end according to law.
  • View logs of status.
  • View the summary of each different status by the hour and allowed the remaining hours.
  • View a graph of total time for each status.
  • Approve or edit logged status.

View and Manage Work Orders.


Work orders that are created from the online web application TSOmobile.net can be seen and
managed in the InCabin Work Orders module.

Change each work order status between the following whenever you need to, and get proof of
completion with the driver’s signature:

  • Sent.
  • Read.
  • En Route.
  • Arrived.
  • Canceled.
  • Completed.
  • Pending.
  • Departure.
  • Received.
  • On Hold.
  • Re-Opened.

Improve Communication With Your Drivers.

Send and receive messages with your drivers or any company employee.

This will give you productivity by not having to use different devices for different operations. Just stay on your Android device and communicate with your drivers right from the same InCabin application.

All incoming messages are saved in the inbox and the outgoing in the outbox in the same application.

Save Money on Fuel by Monitoring its Consumption.

Gain control over the fuel loaded into the vehicle.

Every time a driver is loading fuel, the GPS of the Android device will automatically gather the location where the vehicle is being fueled as well as the date and time. On top of that the driver will have to enter information of the type of fuel, gallons loaded, and total money spent.

All of this information will be saved in your fuel logs history to which you will always have access to monitoring. Also, you can access the fuel usage reports on the online web application TSOmobile.net to get analytics about the fuel consumption of your fleet.